Things have been quite challenging to say the least over the past couple of weeks. And the ability to stay focused on anything has been even more difficult. I feel like we are all sitting here waiting on the next move while enduring what seems like ground hogs day everyday.
I want my Church back. I want my Life Teen group on Sundays to be in full swing. I want our campus ministry to grow as it was doing right before "all of this" happened. It seemed easier to stay fouced when everything was running smoothly, but Im learning quickly that Gods will is also shown in things that do not turn out as we hoped. This helps humble us and leads us in the direction of obedience. I think we all know this by some bad experience or another, but this time in life sure does seem to take the cake.
This is the time God is showing us what we have been taking for granted. He is trying to fix our eyes more steadily upon Him. Huble us and creat in our hearts an obdience from Him and his will in our life.
The Lord wants to unite us all in His prayer: "not what I will, Father, but as thou wilt." (Mark 14:36) I feel like we are being showed all of the sorrow after sorrow daily.
. He also taught us in these time to obey, "unto death,even death on the cross." (Phil 2:8) As we suffer through this time God wants to see our tears. He wants us to bring our burdens to the foot of the Cross. But we have to say at once: "Father thy will be done."
We are surely tempted into discouragment during this time. We may feel heavy hearted, deep felt anguish or even grief. As we pray the roasrey and focus on the Agony in the garden this should show us how to react to such emoition. We must embrace God's unconditional Love and without any limits and presevere in prayer.
When we pray we have to ask, "Lord what is it that you want me to do?"
Once we do this and complelety accept our "FAIT" (OUR YES TO THE LORD), we will feel peace and tranquillity to our soul and our surroundings.
We can finish in prayer by asking: O God, when the anel brought your message, the sinless virgin received within herself your divine word; she was filled with the light of hte Holy Spirit and became the home of God. Grant that like her, we may steadfastly obey you will and may accept our FIAT to you. AMEN
We can make it through these next few weeks or trying times. Reach out to our Lord in Prayer. Give him your all. Visit the adoration Chapel. Lets be prepared to walk back into his house fully restored and ready to be that change that everyone, even your self needs to see.
Lets all lift each other up in prayer as we are away from what is familiar in our everyday life. Dont forget spiritual comunion and watching Mass live stream.
God Bless,
Shelley Mims