This Sunday on Mothers Day we will have Out Door Mass in the Prayer Garden. It will begin at 9:00 a.m. Please bring a chair to sit in and come enjoy the beauty of being able to receive our Lord in Holy Communion on such a blessed day as Mothers Day!!!
Humility brings obedience. Even our biggest successes would be valueless if we lack in the execution the desire to accomplish Gods Will. God does not need our deeds but our obedience.
Being socially isolated from one another presents many challenges: having to do school work from home, lack of structure, the need for self-motivation, boredom, missing friends… and what to do with all this extra time on our hands?
Now that Father Marc is uploading Mass here are a few tips on how to prepare for Mass via Internet streaming. Now that we are under our 30 more days we have to know that Palm Sunday and Easter will be spent in our homes. Having the Mass online for you is a way for us all to stayed connected
How NOT to Spend Your Quarantine excessive news consumption, or scrolling through social media out of boredom, or drowning our fears in video games, sleeping the day away, alcohol, drugs, or a thousand other negative outlets. Pick your poison.
I saw a post the other day where a 73 year old dying priest gave up his ventilator for a younger male adult. This priest was vulnerable, but authentic and I know Christ saw his humility and compassion in his dying moments from someone he didn't even know. Is our humility & compassion authentic or do we hide the version of the truth that keeps us from facing reality.
The Good to be won must always outweigh the evil which it may occasion- Fulton Sheen Fear is a product of the Devil. Our Lord says in Isaiah 41:10; So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
In light of Masses being cancelled I know that many of us are upset, angry, confused and feel like our worlds are being turned up side down for many reasons. Today I wanted to talk about accepting change and trusting God. Many changes taking place can be good even if we cannot see it but we need to trust that God will take us where we need to go.
Its hard to have gratitude, be positive and accept change all at once. I challenge you to take these meditations & prayers and use them this week to help draw closer to our Father & receive some comfort in times we are facing.